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Adam MacLay

 Exterior view of a single-storied wooden house with an iron roof, 
showing a man, women, and children standing in front, ca. 1910
 Fashionably dressed foursome, ca. 1910
 Group including a hockey team and others, possibly students, 
probably by the Avon River, Christchurch, 1905-26
 Group of eight girls holding up hoops decorated with pom poms, ca. 1915
 Group of men, women and children outdoors, 1905-26
 Members of the Christchurch Elite Band, ca. 1900s
 Outdoors on dirt road with poplar trees behind, a girl riding a 
two wheeled sprung cart being pulled by a Shetland pony, 1905-26
 Rabbit hunters, ca. 1912
 Studio portrait of small girl with two British bulldogs, 1905-26
Two touring cars carrying adults and children in hats, one with chauffeur, 1905-26
Adam Maclay Collection, Alexander Turnbull Library

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