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It's been a bit quiet today...

Not a lot has happened today. Inso has added a flamer to one of his Grizzly battlesuits, has based and undercoated it and varnished the Grymn he painted yesterday. That's about it I'm afraid.

I don't expect to see too much tomorrow as he will be prepping his kit for ANOTHER training course next week. It seems that he is either on a course or on detachment lately. No wonder he's a bit grumpy at the moment.

So...what has Inso been thinking about lately? Well, one thing is that he needs to decide what to do with the Grizzlies. After painting the grey skinned Grymn yesterday, the idea of painting up the Grizzlies and a few other Grymn to join him has crossed his mind...but there is nothing set in stone yet. He hasn't mentioned anything else really, apart from yesterday's Grymn.

Well...not a lot today and little prospect of very much tomorrow.

Catch you later.

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